Posted by Jack Gentle, Jr. on January 23, 19102 at 19:39:49:
Earls banjo instruction book is good, and I wore out several learning to play, but has any thought been given to a revision to the instruction book? Would be nice to see errors corrected, tabs for more songs, addition of a section for tabs for some of those great "Scruggs Breaks" on songs such as "Six White Horses" (1957), expanded section on backup licks, etc. Would be nice also if a CD were available in lieu of the existing tape with the tabs in the book keyed to appropriate times on the CD. A CD could also be provided that would include computer files for the tabs in Guitar Pro, Tabrite, or other Tab editor/player format.
Earl's musical genius and banjo playing are a great national treasure and it would be nice to see his work better documented so as to help many future "banjer" players learn that "Scruggs Style" easier and more accurately.